Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hi, Everyone!

So, a little about me and my intent with this blog... here goes:

I'm Adreanna and I'm an aspiring cake decorator. I also went to culinary school in my home sweet home of Southern California for a brief minute and wish I could have finished, but I moved to Idaho with my family. My main focus now (in the baking and caking world) is cakes and the decorating of, but I do bake other things very often.
So, comes the point of the blog. I will be chronicling my journey in the caking and baking world and where it takes me. I will post my trials and tribulations in all that is caking and baking. I'll share my recipes, my discoveries, my successes, my failures, and anything and everything in between.
I'm no professional by any means, just a kid paying my dues. I'm learning as I go... and in same cases failing as I go. But I'll take it, remold it, relearn it, and make a go of it again :)

Thanks for reading and I hope I can keep you all entertained!